These SDGs are the international development goals from 2016 to 2030 that was shown in The 2020 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the UN. The SDGs consist of 17 goals and 169 targets that our governments, institutions and companies are responsible for a sustainable society.
We, Yokohama Shinko Warehousing Inc. have been promoting the SDGs proposed by the UN through our logistics and business activities to make a contribution to solving social issues and creating value.

Promote Diversity

Regardless of gender, age, personality, nationality or social status, we strive for all of our employees with a diverse range of backgrounds and values to have a part in economic activities.

Promote Safety in the Workplace

We manage our working environments to keep employees safe from injury. Not only the necessary licenses such as forklift but also, we encourage employees to take safety qualifications and safety courses.

Reduce Environmental Burden

We recognize the reduction of the environmental burden as an important social responsibility.
Through the introduction of electric forklifts, we encourage reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Promote a Healthy Work-Life Balance

We have supported every employee to find their job rewarding and fulfill their responsibilities, and at the same time, we have put in place an environment that encourages them to balance work and family without overtime and to take paid vacations.
Also, for all employees who have children ages from 11 to 18, we pay flat-rate education allowances.

Registered with Social Service Organizations

We are registered with a variety of social service organizations and get involved in their activities. Through our business, but also through these social service organizations, we contribute to society in which people can help each other.

Confront Climate Change with Preventive Measures

We prepare for natural disasters with emergency action plans that will ensure the safety of employees and goods we store. We keep improving disaster risk management at our warehouses and real estates.

Install Automatic Shipping System

We have worked on installing an automatic shipping system which can be used by anyone regardless of age, gender or nationality, and aim for more efficient operations.